Indian Home Remedies for Infant Stomach Pain, Gas, and Colic
Table of Content Top 22 Short Moral Stories for Children Common Types of Hepatitis in Children and How to Prevent Them Food intolerance or allergy Motion Sickness But motion sickness is rare in babies who are less than two years of age. It can be due to a milk allergy, lack of fibre in the baby’s diet, not having enough water, or due to holding in of bowel movement. Constipation commonly occurs in babies who have started solids. If your baby appears uncomfortable during a bowel movement or hasn’t had one in three days, it might be constipation. This is a touchy topic but a common reason for tummy ache in babies. Many a times, we end up overfeeding babies because we are not sure if they have had enough. This can cause them to have pain due to bloating and may also vomit out food. Stomach aches are common for babies and they can make an appearance out of the blue. Your baby is perfectly happy and suddenly starts fidgeting and crying. Top 22 Short Moral Stories for Children Mi...